Plankin’ it

As a busy mommy, I can’ t always get a good 1.5-2 hour sweat session in, so I’m always looking for simple ways to get in a fast but tough workout throughout my day. Usually, I do a Blogilates video to tone my tush or do an intense arm or ab workout or a combo of a few videos when I get the chance.Β When I was on Pinterest, I was always pinning various online sources for quick and easy workouts to do around the house, like these:



However, I recently stumbled across the purely twins 5-minute plank workout and let me just say…WHOAAA!! it ROCKS!! I did it the other day with a handsome little toddler hanging all over me while I was plankin’ it (hey an added 20 pounds is tough!) and let me just say I was SUPER SORE the next morning! 5 minutes, that’s all you say but I swear this workout strengthens every part of your body! 5 mins and I works various places? YES PLEASE! πŸ™‚

DO IT!!! πŸ™‚ You’ll feel it tomorrow!

Here is a little motivation, since its motivational Monday & all! πŸ˜‰


What are some of your favorite quick, easy, do-it-anywhere type workouts??

❀ Alicia


Filed under Fitness

8 responses to “Plankin’ it

  1. I totally need to be better about focusing on my core! And I love quick home workouts that leave me drenched πŸ™‚

  2. jessielovestorun

    I’ve done that video before, and darling, you are right! It’s tough!! Have a great day xoxo

  3. Those little things on Pinterest are awesome!
    And I honestly think those kinds of exercise (using own body weight) are the best. They are most effective and safe.
    I got a personal trainer one time and told him I don’t want to have to go the gym and I don’t want any machines. Give me things to do at home, and I’ll cycle for the cardio. He was awesome, gave me what I asked for, and it worked. Lots of time and money saved.

    • They’re awesome right?! It is so much convenient & cost effective to do workouts using one’s own body weight. Glad you found a trainer who was willing to meet YOUR needs girl! That’s great!!

  4. Rach @ This Italian Family

    That plank work out looks really great!

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